How to add a watermark with Python and FFmpeg on your video

The FFmpeg multimedia framework offers many utilities which can be used to process video files. Having used such tools myself for some time now, I find the framework truly useful, especially when I want to do video conversion. Although FFmpeg is a great framework to use as a standalone; accessing its features through the Python computer programming language makes things more interesting.
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How to write a wrapper for ffmpeg with the help of Python, first part

The Python computer programming language is very handy when it comes to automating stuff, especially prototyping. Easy to read and write, the Python computer technology offers rapid development. It is a perfect tool for wrapping functionalities of existing software. As I have mentioned in many of the previous articles being shared in here, I am currently working on a project which wraps some of the functionalities present in the FFMpeg multimedia framework.
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A practical case of an error class in Python

Many beginners of the Python computer programming language have a difficulty in understanding custom error classes; especially when they want to make use of them in their projects.

I am writing this article with the main purpose of giving a practical example of an error class which I am making use of in a personal project.
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How to access the elements of a generator object in Python

A generator object in the Python computer programming language is totally different from a normal function, as it returns multiple values one by one through the yield statement.

As you may already know, a normal function in Python returns one value to the caller through the return statement. One can easily access the value returned by the normal function just by calling it. Continue reading “How to access the elements of a generator object in Python”

How to create a simple logger in Python, second part

As I explained in the first part of ‘How to create a simple logger’ in Python series, logging is a very important aspect of software development, especially for the professional software developer. Although a junior Python developer, there is a project which I am coding in which I need to make use of the Python’s logging builtin module.
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How to create a simple logger in Python, first part

The Python computer programming language offers a builtin module which can be utilized to log applications. Being a junior developer, lately I have started to realize the importance of logging.

Before one can properly make use of the Python’s builtin logging module, they need to learn the basics. Through this tutorial, the reader is going to learn how to create a simple logger with the help of the Python’s builtin module, so they can build some basic foundation which can be useful later in their serious projects. Continue reading “How to create a simple logger in Python, first part”