Time Based Animations in HTML5 Games: Why and How to Implement them

So you got into Web Based Animations or Games (using that HTML5 thingie) and chances are high that you’re relying on setInterval, setTimeout or even better – requestAnimationFrame to reflow and repaint your frames (fancy terms for rendering each animation frame). Precisely, you’re basing your animations or game mechanics on the frame rate. There’s nothing wrong with that, but let me show you a more sophisticated approach which can actually enhance all sorts of user experience – time based animations.
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Optimizing HTML5 Canvas to Improve your Game Performance

So I coded a game this month for the github game compo called “Pappu Pakia“. This is my first HTML5 Game with beautiful graphics by Kushagra. When I was finished with the coding part, it was pretty exciting until I played it a few times when my CPU was busy, then on an old laptop and finally on a mobile device. In all the cases it was laggy, except in the last one where it was super slow. So what do we do now ? Time to Optimize!

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Different Tools for Our Sketching Application

It is important for our painting application to have different tools like:

  • Line tool to draw straight lines.
  • Rectangle tool to draw rectangles.
  • Circle tool to draw circles.
  • Eraser tool for erasing purposes.
  • Color tool to choose colors.
  • … and more

We have already built our pencil tool in previous parts. In this part, we’ll focus on creating the aforementioned tools.

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Canvas Rotating and Scaling Images Around a Particular Point

Transforming objects in your HTML5 Game or Experiment requires a bit of understanding regarding how they work. The behaviour and end result is not as intuitive as CSS3 transform functions like rotate() or scale(). I could quickly show you how to rotate or scale an image with its center as the origin, but it’s going to be super useful to take an indepth look at how the entire system works.

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HTML5 Canvas and Friction

So you started moving an object on your canvas by manipulating vx and vy, i.e., velocity on the x and y axis. But then, you just realized that in real world scenarios the speed of an object reduces with time, if there’s no continuous acceleration. Even with an acceleration of X, there will be some friction faced counter-affecting the acceleration.

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HTML5 Canvas Particles Fountain Explosion with Gravity

One of my previous posts talked about implementing gravity in our canvas experiments. Eventually, we made a realistic bouncing ball. We’ll kind of extend that experiment to make a quick fountain explosion on canvas obeying gravity.

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