Fast Automatic Browserify Bundling with Beefy

If you’re a browserify user, then beefy might help you bundle your JavaScript file automatically. It is a command line tool that runs a local node server which accepts a path to the JS file (with all your require() calls) and serves the bundled asset via browserify.

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Serve Your JavaScript Files Bundled using Browserify with Node Enchilada

If you’re using Browserify to bundle assets in an Express or Connect application then you may want to consider using node-enchilada middleware to faciliate your bundling process.

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Browser-Side Node.js Style Modules require() and exports with Browserify

Browserify is an excellent tool that lets you use CommonJS modules right in the browser by bundling them up into a single large file. If you are well acquainted with Node and it’s way of loading modules via require('module') and exporting them using module.exports = ..., this is the exact pattern browserify brings to the browser. Not only can you write your own modules in this format and load/export them, but you can also use those installed via npm!

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Using Node Version Manager (NVM) to Manage Multiple Node.js Versions

Node Version Manager (NVM) is a neat little bash script that allows you to manage multiple versions of Node.js on the same box. A version manager really helps to test our applications under different versions of the related software.

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Using Underscore.string for String Manipulations in JavaScript

Underscore.string is an excellent string manipulation library (or helper) for Javascript that can be used with or without the nifty Underscore.js library. It can be used client side in browsers or server side with Node.js.

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Using the Node.js Bcrypt Module to Hash and Safely Store Passwords

Using bcrypt is the proper way to store passwords in your database regardless of whatever language your backend is built in – PHP, Ruby, Python, Node.js, etc. Why ? Here’s the answer.

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