Understanding Android/Java Processes and Threads Related Concepts (Handlers, Runnables, Loopers, MessageQueue, HandlerThread)

In this article we’ll try to briefly go through the various sort of low level concepts in Android that are really important to understand IMHO. Once you have a good grasp on these, a lot of things that are actually built atop these concepts become much easier to understand and code. We’ll go through processes, threads, loopers, message queues, messages, handlers, runnables, etc. I’ll also point to various external resources that you should definitely go through for a much better understanding.

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Asynchronous Background Execution and Data Loading with Loaders (Framework) in Android

Android has this Loader framework that offers a powerful (yet simple) way to asynchronously load data from content providers or other data sources like an SQLite database, network operation, et al. in an Activity or a Fragment (clients).

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