Using Node Version Manager (NVM) to Manage Multiple Node.js Versions

Node Version Manager (NVM) is a neat little bash script that allows you to manage multiple versions of Node.js on the same box. A version manager really helps to test our applications under different versions of the related software.


Just clone the git repository from github into ~/.nvm or any other folder of your wish.

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$ git clone git:// ~/.nvm

To activate it, source it from the bash shell using source or .

$ . ~/.nvm/

If you want to know what the . does try one of these commands –

$ help source
$ help .

It basically reads and executes all the commands from the filename passed to it (~/.nvm/ in our case), in the current shell.

To make sure the nvm command is available in your shell, add the source line to your profile, which is ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile. These profiles get read on login, hence it’ll automatically source the nvm script. For non-login shells (for example terminals fired up from your GUI environment) you’ll need to source from ~/.bashrc.

For a quicker installation, just download and execute the install script provided via cURL or wget –

$ curl | sh
.. or ..
$ wget -qO- | sh

These commands will clone the git repository to ~/.nvm and put the source line to your profile (~/.bash_profile if found else ~/.profile).


Using it is super duper simple, let’s see how –

# To check what versions can be installed
$ nvm ls-remote

# To install:
# nvm install [version]
$ nvm install 0.10.0

# To check what versions are installed
$ nvm ls

# To use the installed version
$ nvm use 0.10.0
# .. or just run the node repl with that version
$ nvm run 0.10.0

# To remove/uninstall
$ nvm uninstall 0.10.0

When you install node v0.10.0, it get’s installed in ~/.nvm/v0.10.0 and the new node binary residing in ~/.nvm/v0.10.0/bin gets added to the PATH environment variable.

$ node -v

$ nvm install 0.10.0
######################################################################## 100.0%
Now using node v0.10.0

$ node -v

$ ls ~/.nvm/v0.10.0/
bin  ChangeLog  lib  LICENSE  share

$ ls ~/.nvm/v0.10.0/bin/
node  npm

$ echo $PATH

This is what you’d do to restore your path and get back to the original node installation (if any) –

# Installed via nvm
$ node -v

$ nvm deactivate
/home/rishabh/.nvm/*/bin removed from $PATH
/home/rishabh/.nvm/*/share/man removed from $MANPATH

# Initial node installation
$ node -v

$ echo $PATH

The best part of nvm is that, you can set a default version of Node to be used by setting the alias default.

# nvm alias <name> <version>
# Set node v0.8.22 to use by default
$ nvm alias default 0.8.22

Basically nvm alias is used to set a name pointing to a particular node version.

# More aliases?
$ nvm alias ten 0.10.0
ten -> 0.10.0 (-> v0.10.0)

$ nvm alias
default -> 0.8.22 (-> v0.8.22)
ten -> 0.10.0 (-> v0.10.0)

$ nvm use ten
Now using node v0.10.0

Auto Command Completion

If you type nvm and hit the tab key twice, it won’t list related commands/options. To activate this you’ll need to source ~/.nvm/bash_completion right after the sourcing of the file (as shown above).

This is what needs to be added –

[[ -r $NVM_DIR/bash_completion ]] && . $NVM_DIR/bash_completion

Checks whether the file is readable or not, if yes then source it. Now when you hit tab key twice –

$ nvm [tab][tab]
alias          deactivate     list           ls-remote      uninstall
clear-cache    help           list-remote    run            use
copy-packages  install        ls             unalias        version

$ nvm use [tab][tab]
default  ten      v0.10.0  v0.8.22

# .. and so on!


Technically nvm is not a script executable file. It’s a bash function. You can read the contents of ~/.nvm/


It’s awesome! Really helpful especially when you’re trying out a new version of Node and your app suddenly breaks due to incompatibilities. Your best bet is to rollback to the older version and nvm makes this process dead simple.

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Author: Rishabh

Rishabh is a full stack web and mobile developer from India. Follow me on Twitter.

3 thoughts on “Using Node Version Manager (NVM) to Manage Multiple Node.js Versions”

  1. Informative article! Do you have any ideas as to how to set your node alias to be permanent? Once i log off my shell and back in, the “node” command is not found until i once again type “nvm use “

    1. You could try adding nvm use to your profile. Although as I’ve already mentioned the new node binary residing in ~/.nvm/*/bin gets added to $PATH on installation, so node command should work.

  2. Hi, I’m trying to install 0.6.16 version, but error appears:
    scons: *** [obj/release/] Error -11
    scons: building terminated because of errors.
    Waf: Leaving directory `/home/melanni/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v0.6.16/files/out’
    Build failed: -> task failed (err #2):
    {task: libv8.a SConstruct -> libv8.a}
    Makefile:21: recipe for target ‘program’ failed
    make: *** [program] Error 1
    nvm: install v0.6.16 failed!
    Do you have any idea of what is going on?

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