Using the Node.js Bcrypt Module to Hash and Safely Store Passwords

Using bcrypt is the proper way to store passwords in your database regardless of whatever language your backend is built in – PHP, Ruby, Python, Node.js, etc. Why ? Here’s the answer.

So how do we go about employing this technique in Node.js ? Thankfully we have a neat bcrypt module from Nick Campbell to do the job for us. It’s super easy to use, lets see how.

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First of all install it via NPM.

$ npm install bcrypt

The module provides us with 2 ways to hash the password – sync and async.

Sync Usage

For generating the password hash and storing it you’d do something like this –

// Load the bcrypt module
var bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
// Generate a salt
var salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(10);
// Hash the password with the salt
var hash = bcrypt.hashSync("my password", salt);

// Finally just store the hash in your DB
// .. code to store in Redis/Mongo/Mysql/Sqlite/Postgres/etc.

The salt+hash can also be auto-generated in a single line of code –

var hash = bcrypt.hashSync("my password", 10);

During authentication you need to check the incoming password string against the hash. This is what you’d do –

// Load the password hash from DB
// Let's assume it's stored in a variable called `hash`
bcrypt.compareSync("my password", hash); // true
bcrypt.compareSync("not my password", hash); // false

"my password" is the correct one (sent via login form or some other method by the user) hence compareSync returns true while in the second case, when the password is incorrect, it returns false.

Async Usage

The module also provides us with an async flavour that can be used like this –

var bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
bcrypt.genSalt(10, function(err, salt) {
    bcrypt.hash("my password", salt, function(err, hash) {
        // Store hash in your password DB.

// or

bcrypt.hash('bacon', 10, function(err, hash) {
    // Store hash in your password DB.

.. and this is how you’d compare the hash saved in DB with the user supplied password –

// Load password hash from DB"my password", hash, function(err, res) {
    // res === true
});"not my password", hash, function(err, res) {
    // res === false

If you’re wondering what the 10 (that’s used for hashing) is, then that’s the work factor or the number of rounds the data is processed for. More rounds leads to more secured hash but slower/expensive process.

You can check out the full API documentation here. Good Luck!

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Author: Rishabh

Rishabh is a full stack web and mobile developer from India. Follow me on Twitter.

10 thoughts on “Using the Node.js Bcrypt Module to Hash and Safely Store Passwords”

  1. Thanks for the nice article. In implementing a server solution I attempted to use this but it does not work. In my data model, before inserting to db I do:

    bcrypt.genSalt(12, 24, function (err, salt) {
    if (err) return next(err);
    bcrypt.hash(password, salt, function (err, hash) {
    if (err) return next(err);
    model.password = hash;

    Which works fine. However, on the comparison side, it always fails:
    var hash = model.password;
    var userCreds = form.password;
    var validated = bcrypt.compareSync(userCreds, hash); // always false;

    The logic for inserting/comparing are in two separate modules and so have their own require(‘bcrypt’) statements. Thanks in advance

  2. Hi, am i the new one for node js
    var bcrypt = require(‘bcrypt’);

    var salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(10);

    var hash = bcrypt.hashSync(“my password”, salt);

    The above code what is “my password” it is database name or ?.

    1. “my password” is the string you want to hash.

      the flow looks a bit like this:

      user registers with a password of “my password” -> your node server receives it and immediately hashes it: $2a$12$fs/nyKfjjUAvAXNM6Kv6tOH16J6b1N3NzsA8biVQj/.gu9S1qn5G2 -> You store that hashed password in your database. Not EVER your users plain text password.

      For a user to re-login, you can do bcrypt.compareHashSync("my password", "$2a$12$fs/nyKfjjUAvAXNM6Kv6tOH16J6b1N3NzsA8biVQj/.gu9S1qn5G2") -> Returns true if they match, false otherwise.

    2. I am also new in Node but I think you can use
      var hash = bcrypt.hashSync(datarequest.body.password, salt); // It will save your Entered password

  3. Hi This is my code Whenever i am fetching the db password and compareing with my hash password its showing “Not a valid BCrypt hash” SO can u help me with this.

    seneca.add({ role:’user’, cmd:’login’ }, function (msg, respond) {
    console.log(“in seneca………..”);

    con.query(‘select * from user where UserName = :uname’,{uname:msg.username}, function(err, results){
    //var use=results;

    if (err)
    respond(null, {answer: “Invalid Operation”});

    respond(null, { loggedIn:true })
    } else {
    respond(null, {answer:”Invalid username or password”});
    } else {
    respond(null, {answer:”No user found”});
    seneca.act({role: ‘user’, cmd: ‘login’, username:”ak”, password:”asn” }, function (err, result) {
    if (err) return console.error(err)


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