{"id":845,"date":"2024-03-01T13:00:53","date_gmt":"2024-03-01T07:30:53","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/codetheory.in\/?p=845---726dd011-09f1-4d64-b16d-87273932e677"},"modified":"2024-03-01T13:00:53","modified_gmt":"2024-03-01T07:30:53","slug":"game-physics-basics-and-implementation-of-predictive-collision-detection","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/codetheory.in\/game-physics-basics-and-implementation-of-predictive-collision-detection\/","title":{"rendered":"Games Physics: Basics and Implementation of Predictive (or Continuous) Collision Detection"},"content":{"rendered":"


Few days ago, I wrote a post<\/a> about why time based animations are better than frame based animations. However, in animations done as a function of time, some serious problems could arise. One of them is that your regular collision detection techniques might fail if the frame rate is lower than acceptable. Your object might pass through the walls or even fall through the floor!<\/p>\n

\nThis problem occurs if you are using basic collision detection techniques like calculating the intersection of object’s bounds per frame. Now suppose if you are making a game in which an object jumps from one platform to other and goes like that. If the frame rate is lower and the speed of the object is high, then the object might be above the platform in one frame and below the same platform in the next frame which will never satisfy your condition of true collision. <\/p>\n


This problem can also be seen even with high frame rates combined with high object speeds. If you are facing this problem in your games, then you should definitely change the way you detect the collisions between two objects. The new way of collision that I will be talking about is known as predictive (or continuous or frame independant) collision detection<\/strong>. This requires future knowledge of your object’s coordinates but don’t worry, you won’t have to do any astrology kind of thing to achieve this! \ud83d\ude1b<\/p>\n

Ordinary Collision Detection<\/h2>\n

If you are not sleepy yet, then let’s take a look on what is predictive collision detection. Now suppose (ugh!), okay don’t. This time, we’ll go through the code to understand this technique in a better way. Take a look at this ordinary method of collision detection<\/strong>:<\/p>\n

\r\nfunction update() {\r\n\tpaintCanvas();\r\n\t\r\n\t\/\/ Draw the platform\r\n\tplatform.draw();\r\n\t\r\n\t\/\/ Move the ball\r\n\tball.y += ball.vy;\r\n\tball.vy += gravity;\r\n\tball.draw();\r\n\t\r\n\t\/\/ Collision Time!\r\n\tif(\r\n\t\t(ball.y + ball.radius > platform.y) &&\r\n\t\t(ball.y + ball.radius < platform.y + platform.height)\r\n\t\t) {\r\n\t\t\t\/\/ Put the ball at top of the platform\r\n\t\t\tball.y = platform.y - ball.radius;\r\n\t\t\t\/\/ .. and rebound the ball\r\n\t\t\tball.vy *= -0.91;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\r\n}\r\n<\/pre>\n

Pretty simple, the ball bounces back after hitting the platform. Here, I am just checking the lower edge of the ball in each frame, if it’s between the platform’s top edge and bottom edge then the collision is said to occur and we do our rebound. This might sound cute, but it’s not. Now let’s increase the velocity of the ball and see what happens.<\/p>\n


(Click on the refresh icon on the embed above if you missed the show.)
\nAs expected, the ball doesn’t bounce at all, it just passes through the platform! This is because the collision actually happened between two consecutive frames and we only saw the ball’s lower above the platform in one frame and then below the platform in the next frame. So, in canvas’s world, the collision never existed.<\/p>\n

Predictive Collision Detection (or Sweep Testing)<\/h2>\n

Now this problem can be solved if we get to know about the future coordinates of the ball. By this, we’ll get the knowledge about when the ball will hit the platform in future and based on that, we’ll do our collision. This can be done by using some simple math calculations. We’ll just calculate the time required for the ball to reach the platform in the next frames.<\/p>\n


If the velocity of the ball is 5px\/frame and the distance between the platform and the ball is 30px, then the time it will take to reach the platform will be 6 frames (note that we are not considering gravity here). Now, if the speed is same and distance is 9px, then it is obvious that the collision will occur between the current and the next frame. So, we now have the knowledge about when the ball will hit the platform in future. This is how we’ll calculate the required time.<\/p>\n

\r\nvar speed = ball.vy + gravity, \r\n\tdistance = platform.y - ball.y + ball.r,\r\n\ttime = distance \/ speed;\r\n<\/pre>\n

Here we are just calculating the time required by the ball to reach the platform. What we get from this time is<\/p>\n