Image Zoom Magnifying Glass Effect with CSS3 and jQuery

Ever wanted to add a magnifying glass effect to your product images for an awesome zoom-in and a great user experience ? You’ll be surprised to know that using CSS3 and jQuery, it’s really easy to integrate this effect to your website or webapp.

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The New and Final CSS3 Linear and Radial Gradients Syntax

The specs have always been in a state of flux. But it seems to be decided on the CSS3 linear and radial gradients syntax finally (hopefully). Let’s just discuss the changes and how you’ll need to modify your current/old code accordingly.

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HTML5 Canvas Drawing Lines with Smooth Edges

In the previous post we kicked off with our painting application using HTML5 canvas. If you remember well, we ended up with a basic app where one can easily draw lines or something else with a “pencil” tool. But there was a problem. When drawing different shapes like circles, the lines/curves had jagged edges. They were not smooth or anti-aliased, whatever you want to call them. This article will aim towards solving those issues.

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