Creating the Environment To Write Code and Render in Realtime

After the Introduction, its time to build things! We will basically lay out a basic UI for the playground and learn how to render our code in the sandbox.

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Building Your Own HTML, CSS, JS Realtime Playground

Many months ago I built this site called CSSDeck. Its an interesting app where you can write your HTML, CSS, JS code inside few code editors that gets rendered and displayed in realtime in an output area (sandbox). Similar to JSFiddle, yeh! But the intent was a bit different. Instead of aiming for a playground where people could just create testcases, I wanted to build a community of people who would create some cool creations with their CSS3 and Javascript skills and all I would do is feature them on the Home Page of the site. Whatever people submit shows up in their profile page which means they can share their profile link with anyone and show off how awesome they are.

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Using HTML5 postMessage For a Secured Cross Domain Communication and Rendering

In the previous post, we covered how easy it is to build an environment where anyone can write in HTML, CSS, JS code that gets rendered and displayed in a sandbox (iframe) in realtime. It’s all good as long as the platform is restricted to yourself, but when it becomes open, i.e., when others can create testcases or use it for some other purpose as on CSSDeck, you need to start thinking about security.

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Mini HTML/CSS/JS Code Playground (with Editors and Sandbox) in Less than 200 Bytes

Sometime back this thread on HackerNews gained quite some traction. Basically, it’s a small project called MiniCodeEditor which is a tiny and minimal version of an online code playground like CSSDeck.

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