Having gained some experience with the Python computer programming language, I truly know how important it is for the Python geek to learn and practice the exception handling so they can handle errors better in their applications and projects.
From my experience with research on the Internet about the Python computer programming language, coders face a lot of struggle when it comes to building their custom exceptions, especially the complete beginners. With the main purpose of introducing the Python beginner to the base builtin exception class and preparing them to write their own customs exceptions, I decided to share this short tutorial.
First of all, one important thing everyone of the readers should know about before going any further, is that all the different exceptions in the Python computer programming language are generated from the one shown below.
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For the Python coder to write their own custom exceptions in the Python computer programming language, they have to inherit from the above class like shown in the following example.
class MySimpleCustomException(Exception):pass
Based on my personal experience with writing custom exceptions in the Python computer programming language, one can easily customize the base Exception class by overriding its methods such as __init__, __repr__ and __str__. Since the customization of the base class used to write custom exceptions in Python is a bit of an advanced topic for the beginner, we are going to treat it in a very detailed article in the future.
Now that you have created a very simple custom exception in Python, based on the class Exception, you can easily raise it by using the syntax shown below.
custom_exception = MySimpleCustomException(‘this is a custom exception’)
raise custom_exception
Final thoughts
The Python coder should learn about the error handling in Python through exceptions with the main purpose of applying the knowledge on their real world projects. Through this very short tutorial, I informed the reader about the base class which is required to write custom exceptions in the Python computer programming language.