CSS Apply Filter Effects (blur, grayscale, hue) to the Area Behind an Element with backdrop-filter Property

We’re well acquainted with the CSS3 filter property that lets us apply various effects like blur, grayscale, sepia, saturation, etc. to a particular element. Now using this property we actually end up adjusting the rendering of the entire element including its borders, background and content (text or/and image). Did you ever want to apply the same effects to just the area behind the element, i.e., the background of the parent element or the one right behind/below the target element ? This is now very easily possible with the backdrop-filter property. I’m sure you’d have noticed this effect being widely used in iOS 7 and OS X Yosemite.

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Android Realtime (Instant) Search with Filter Class and Filterable Interface Using Custom and Inbuilt Adapter

Android has an excellent Fitler class that helps us filter data from an entire data set based on some pattern (for example a string) provided. Filters are usually created by classes implementing the Filterable interface. It makes sense to use filters (implement the Filterable interface) mostly with adapters, which means Filterable classes are usually Adapter implementations.

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