Babel is an amazing tool for writing ES6 (ES2015), ES7 (ES2016), JSX, etc. code that finally gets compiled (or transpiled) into JavaScript (mostly ES5 as of now) that can be executed by most browsers. So basically you can use JS features like classes, promises, etc. without worrying about the browser support as Babel will eventually convert all your code into browser-understandable program.
Tag: javascript
JavaScript Fire onSubmit Event Handler Programmatically by Calling form.submit()
Unless you code your web pages in vanilla javascript, you’ll probably not notice this but when you do it’ll quite baffle you that the event listener you attach to a form’s submit event using addEventListener
or onSubmit
will not be invoked when you submit the form directly like this – form.submit()
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Passing Data Across Components with Contexts (childContextTypes, getChildContext(), contextTypes) in ReactJS
Using React Contexts we can communicate across a hierarchy of Components. To understand this, think of a widget represented by a View component which has lots of child view components. You might use/re-use this component and want to pass certain properties or attributes that are relevant to different child components affecting the overall state (look and behaviour) of the main component in combination. Now one way to achieve this is by using props. But imagine passing an attribute all the way down from the parent to a child at the 5th level in the hierarchy. At every component level the property passed from the parent will have to be accessed (this.props.propName
) and further passed down. This can get really messy. So let’s see how contexts can be used to pass data across components in a much elegant manner.
Remove a Mounted React Component with React.unmountComponentAtNode()
While going through the codebase of React Bootstrap (for some reason), I came across an interesting implementation of a “React playground”. The code behind the playground is in ReactPlayground.js. I found this piece of interesting code there:
Continue reading “Remove a Mounted React Component with React.unmountComponentAtNode()”
React Integrating Routing to Material UI’s Left Nav (or Other Components)
Working with the React Material UI and trying to make routing work (or even understand how it works) with clicks on the LeftNav item items ? It’s actually quite simple once you get a hang of it. I’ll show you the code and explain the logic behind how on clicking navigation links in LeftNav you navigate to different pages/URLs in your app/website (in a snap). We’ll be using React Router, Material UI and obviously, ReactJS itself. I’ve also uploaded the code to Github.
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React Material UI – Open Left Menu (Navigation Drawer) on AppBar’s Hamburger Icon Click
This is more of a quick tip on a Material UI integration than a detailed article. We’ll see how to open the LeftNav component on clicking the AppBar’s left icon (hamburger menu icon). Unfortunately the documentation as of now doesn’t show the ReactJS code for this. Obviously it’s not too hard to figure it out either if you go through the website’s source itself on Github.
JavaScript Copy to ClipBoard (without Flash) using Cut and Copy Commands with document.execCommand()
Using the cut
and copy
commands via document.execCommand()
, a text selection can be cut or copied to the user’s clipboard in Chrome 43+, Opera 29+ and IE 10+. This means we can now cater to a part of our web userbase with the copy to clipboard feature without using Flash. Let’s write some code to see these commands in action.