How I Created My Version of Doodle Jump in HTML5

I’ll try to take you through my process of re-creating the famous Doodle Jump (which was originally released for mobile platforms) in HTML5 from scratch. The entire write up might help you with creating your own games from scratch!

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Solve Your Game Audio Problems on iOS and Android with Web Audio API

So you made your game or some other app that has multiple sound effects produced by several audio files. It works great on your desktop, laptop, etc. browsers but then you realize that you have some major issues with multiple sounds (or even single) on mobile and tablet platforms like iOS and android browsers. Sad!

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Fixing HTML5 Audio Problems in iOS and Android Mobile Browsers to Overcome the Limitations

In one of my earlier posts I discussed some of the issues (or limitations) with HTML5 audio support in iOS and Android mobile and tablet platforms. In this article I am going to try to take a look at some of the ways we can overcome those limitations and quirks.

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HTML5 Audio Behaviour and Support in iOS and Android

Few months back I was developing an HTML5 game where I really struggled with adding and playing the different sound/audio effects properly across different browsers and platforms, especially in mobiles and tablets. As I made some progress, I decided to document the support and behaviour of HTML5 Audio in mobile environments – iOS and Android – based on my trials.

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Weighted/Biased Random Number Generation with JavaScript based on Probability

weighted random post image

First of all what is weighted random ? Let’s say you have a list of items and you want to pick one of them randomly. Doing this seems easy as all that’s required is to write a little function that generates a random index referring to one of the items in the list. Sometimes plain randomness is not enough, we want random results that are biased or based on some probability. This is where a simple weighted random generation algorithm can be used.

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Games Physics: Basics and Implementation of Predictive (or Continuous) Collision Detection

Few days ago, I wrote a post about why time based animations are better than frame based animations. However, in animations done as a function of time, some serious problems could arise. One of them is that your regular collision detection techniques might fail if the frame rate is lower than acceptable. Your object might pass through the walls or even fall through the floor!

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Time Based Animations in HTML5 Games: Why and How to Implement them

So you got into Web Based Animations or Games (using that HTML5 thingie) and chances are high that you’re relying on setInterval, setTimeout or even better – requestAnimationFrame to reflow and repaint your frames (fancy terms for rendering each animation frame). Precisely, you’re basing your animations or game mechanics on the frame rate. There’s nothing wrong with that, but let me show you a more sophisticated approach which can actually enhance all sorts of user experience – time based animations.
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