Fixing Laravel Basic Auth Failure

Today, as I deployed my Laravel application, I received an email from my client mentioning that the basic authentication wasn’t working on the production server. I tested promptly and indeed it wasn’t. This was really strange for me as locally all was well. I got stuck at the problem for quite sometime. Searching on Google made me realize that a lot of people have been facing the same conundrum. But finally as usual, I found out the solution not too late.


The problem is not in Laravel, but with PHP. Apparently, HTTP authentication won’t work if PHP is executed with a CGI application instead of being executed in a server module like Apache’s mod_php. In simpler yet technical terms, since I’m using PHP-FPM (a fast FastCGI process manager), the required PHP_AUTH_USER and PHP_AUTH_PW parameters are not included in the $_SERVER data.

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Thankfully, with the help of the content here I was able to solve the problem.

First Step

I added this piece of configuration line to my .htaccess file:

SetEnvIfNoCase Authorization "Basic ([a-z0-9=]+)" REMOTE_AUTHORIZATION=$1

Second Step

Added this piece of code in bootstrap/start.php (at the beginning):

  list($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) = explode(':', $d);

Could possibly also put that inside public/index.php.


Overall some people might consider this process as an ugly hack, but thankfully if the basic auth in your Laravel app doesn’t work then it’ll start working as normal!

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Author: Rishabh

Rishabh is a full stack web and mobile developer from India. Follow me on Twitter.

8 thoughts on “Fixing Laravel Basic Auth Failure”

  1. Thanks for posting this!
    This solved my problem, and otherwise I would have continued banging my head on my desk for a long, long time.



  2. Hi Rishabh I tried your solution but still didn’t work for me.

    Can you please tell the exact locations that I need to add these codes on.

    Like where in .htacess and index.php or start.php


  3. Rishabh man you are awesome. 🙂 It worked for me.

    Maybe you can also add this to your tutorial that where should one add those lines. But you really saved my life.

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